
Name What They Have Done
Carl Hull (Dad) Without my dad's encouragement, this Web site would have never existed. I am so glad that he pushed me into doing this!
Vesta Whisler Mrs. Whisler taught my Web Page Design Course at Ivy Tech State College during the Fall of 1999 and she is a gem! Her encouragement and assistance were priceless. I got pretty frustrated with HTML at times but she helped me to work through it.
Laura Lemay Laura is the author of "Web Publishing with HTML 4" and her book has been extremely helpful. I have learned how to create a professional website with the tips in her book. Whenever I get stuck, "HTML 4" helps me to get out of a jam.
Kurt Kalata Kurt is a good cyberfriend who has arguably the best video game review archive on the Net! Kurt has allowed me to use screenshots from his Web site in my NES/SNES sections. Check out His Classic Review Archive if you want even more video game reviews.
Maelgrim (AKA Ben) Very rarely will you find someone as talented at sequencing music as Maelgrim. He is able to take music from a great game like Mega Man 8 and make it sound even better! Listen to some of his Mega Man 8 MIDIS in "Tigmo's Jukebox." You'll see just how gifted Maelgrim is.
The Various MIDI Sequencers I want to personally thank all of the great people who have sequenced the wonderful music found in my "Tigmo's Jukebox" section. The credit goes to the sequencers who have spent literally weeks and months creating beautiful sounds. Teck, Lutarez, Daniel Genz; to you and everyone else, Thank You!!
Corlen Belspar Thank you Corlen for explaining the difference between actually composing music versus sequencing it! I really do appreciate your input. Little things like this are appreciated more than you know. :)
Mike Evans There are few people I know who love classic video games as much as my cousin and wonderful friend Mike. I just thank you for always being there no matter what and for sharing countless memories of playing games like Skykid, Breakthru, and Super Mario Bros. together. My Stinger review is for you man.
Eric Bumpus Whether it's for better or for worse, there are few people who can get me to update my site like my good friend Eric. Just check out my Guestbook to get an idea of the endless sarcasm I have to deal with! ;) Eric is a good friend and he has always encouraged me to update the site and to keep it current! Thanks Eric! We all need someone to push us a bit. :)

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Last Updated: February 12, 2010
WebMaster: Matt Hull
© copyright 2010 The Tigmo Dimension